Remember, it's emotion and feeling that make the best song, not necessarily the best technical rendition.
If you mess up a part while recording, don't stop and start over. That can easily cause you to burn out. Instead, check to see if the engineer can punch in the correction.
You don't have to fill all the tracks - don't try to force something that won't fit.
Always keep in mind the focus of your music. If it's the vocals, plan to spend the most time on them. Don't waste time on things that don't highlight the focal point.
Get the sound you want while recording. (Never assume that you can fix it in the mix.)
Unless you have unique effects, record individual tracks clean and add effects later.
Don't necessarily double track everything. Doubling a lead vocal can hide all the subtleties that make a song personal and likable (although it can work well for a chorus).
Know when to quit for the day. If you're tired, it will show.
Keep guests out! It's your recording. Guests will distract you and may sway your opinion of how the music should sound.
Make backup copies after every recording session.
Tune up often.
Singers: always bring water but don't use ice! Ice constricts your vocal chords. Hot tea with lemon and honey works well to relax your vocal chords.
Thank you for contributing to the Indie music scene! Without you, music would be uninspired and all sound the same.